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Create Your Account Now!

Simple pricing. Great value.

Tell us a little about yourself: Step 2 of 3

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Create Your Account Step 2 of 2

Create Your Account

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Create Your Account Step 3 of 3

Payment Information

Verify Your Ninja Number Code!

We sent a verification code to your mobile phone. receive the verification code via a phone call, instead.

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Your new phone number is now active and ready for you to use. Check your email for login credentials to your Ninja Number account. You‘ll also receive two invoice emails. One showing how the $19.95 payment you just made was credited to your account and another showing a pro-rated credit amount that will apply to your next payment on the first of the month.

Transfer Your Existing Number

Yes, you can transfer your number to Ninja Number! Continue filling out the form, and a member of our customer support staff will reach out to help you move your number.

Can't find the number you want?

Yes, you can get vanity numbers and special numbers! Continue filling out the form, and a member of our customer support staff will help you find the number you want!


Since you would like to transfer an existing number, our customer support team has been notified and will be in touch with you shortly.


Since you‘re wanting a vanity or special number, our customer support team has been notified and will be in touch with you shortly!