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Generate Revenue with Our Ninja Number Reseller Program

Ninja Number Mercenary logo

We’ve done all the research and hard work to create a business phone system that helps them optimize sales leads and generate revenue. Now you can sign up for our Ninja Number reseller program and use our ingenuity to generate revenue for yourself.

Here’s how it works:

  • Purchase unlimited business numbers from Ninja Number at a discounted price.
  • Receive training and sales support to help you get started.
  • Create your own pricing to control your own margins.
  • Receive your own dashboard to send your customers to. Customize it too!
    • Change the logo
    • Change the displays on the support tab
    • Manage your customer list
    • Add/remove customers and phone numbers
    • Receive a nondescript domain name URL for your dashboard
    • Receive nondescript emails


“Through Ninja Number’s Mercenary program, I have gained access to a national market, yet I still can deliver the exact same product my customers already demand. Ninja Number’s ability to duplicate the functionality of another solution is an essential benefit to resellers that will only grow in value as this market grows.” – Mark Reeder, Business Development Manager for Petra Communication

Become a Mercenary

Interested in boosting your income with our Ninja Number mercenary reseller program? Please fill in the form below so we can get you more information and talk with you about this opportunity to generate more revenue for yourself!

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.