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Transferring your phone number is easy!

Move your business number to Ninja Number - and grow your business with quicker responses to sales calls.

The business phone number that makes you money.

Interested in Ninja Number, but don’t want to lose your existing number that has served you well?

No worries! You can transfer your existing number to Ninja Number and get all the features that it has to offer.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a landline, cellphone or PBX number. You can easily transfer it and be able to use everything Ninja Number can do.

Ninja Number was created to help you increase sales. It does this by encouraging you to get back to sales leads within 5 minutes – that all-important period in which the first person to return a call usually gets the sale.

It reminds you to return calls. It uses artificial intelligence to automatically respond to frequently asked questions about your business. It also analyzes your call data and recommends ways to improve your communications with customers and sales leads.

How to Transfer your Phone Number

When you sign up for our free trial, click the “Transfer Existing Number” link, finish the form, and one of our support specialists will contact you to help you move the number over to Ninja Number.

Grow Your Business with Ninja Number

Get back to that sales lead.
Get back to that sales lead.

Help increase sales by improving your response in first 5 minutes. Ninja Number can auto-respond for you and will remind you to while you're busy with customers.

Run Your Business from Your Cellphone
Run Your Business from Your Cellphone

Share your business phone number with up to 4 other partners or employees, so you don't have to purchase extra phone lines for each employee.

Learn Valuable Insights
Learn Valuable Insights

Automate customer interaction, get insights on your call habits, and receive detailed reports on call trends.

But that's not all.

Call forwarding
Call forwarding

Forward your calls to any number or several numbers, no matter where you are.


Never miss a call. We transcribe all voicemails and text them to you so you don't have to check your voicemail.

Multiple Extensions
Multiple Extensions

Turn your Ninja Number into a PBX so customers are routed to the right person.

Starting at just $9.95 a month!


Try Ninja Number free for 7 days. Instant activation – no contracts, and all features included!